Saturday, December 6, 2014

Marty Finds a Stage Name

A redo of one I wrecked by over drawing when my equipment was suffering a loss of pen pressure. Still not perfect but gets it across.

Friday, November 28, 2014


A return to single page sketches after a long time away. I'm trying something here, seeing if a little roughness (ie including a faint pencil layer) does anything interesting. Ok, maybe I should just clean the lines and do what I said I was going to do. Anyway. here's a monsoonal moment with a North Queensland drizzle sky thrown in.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ruth Tries to Finish a Conversation at a Party

I took four weeks to do it but I finally worked out the complex set of interdependent conditions needed to get my Cintiq working with Manga Studio 5.0.3 and both of them with Windows 8.1 Now I can start doing more of these and start work on the final assault on The Monsoons itself.

The disco lights come from Webdesignhot under an Attribution Sharealike Creative Commons licence which means that this  three-panel strip is also published under those terms. I have stretched and warped the original. From this I found my way to creating my own vector textures etc in MS and will go on to them. But as using this led me to that discovery I've kept that here.